Partners in Education

Partners in Education

OCPS' Partners in Education (PIE) program links businesses and organizations with our schools to share resources, both in people and materials. These partnerships are designed to find out how the school's needs and the business's resources intersect in a mutually beneficial manner. We ask that our PIEs participate in at least 3 opportunities per school year. 

Ways Businesses Can Become Involved

Serve as volunteer or a chaperone

Participate in the School Advisory Council (SAC)

Donate incentives for students for achievement, good behavior, attendance, report cards

Sponsor field trips, afterschool clubs, or athletics

Donate equipment or materials

Financial contributions

Conduct campus beautification projects

Host lunches/meetings for school staff

Recognize outstanding teachers & staff

Arrange a school supply or book drive

Participate in various school events (i.e. open house, literacy night, science fair)

Participate in Teach-In (Career Day)

Host a school spirit night/fundraiser


*Aside from good will in the community, partners will also benefit from our relationship in the following ways:

Ways Westridge Can Give Back

Recognition on our marquee

Thank you in the principal’s school newsletter

Post recognition on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or our website

Invitations to special school programs

Thank you notes from students

Musical performance at the partner’s place of business

Invitation to host info tables at school events

If you are interested in becoming a PIE with Westridge MS, please apply HERE (link to come)